
The Value of Litera Compare

Wed 10 Jan 2024

Accuracy is paramount to success in the legal profession. Any error, even minor, can damage reputations and tarnish outcomes, yet many firms are exposed to risk because of the document comparison process. Documents are the lifeline of the firm, and as they're constantly being created and updated, opportunities for mistakes, misinterpretations, and inaccuracies are rife—without Litera Compare.

Litera's legal document comparison software detects document changes in seconds, reducing complexity, ensuring accuracy, increasing productivity, and streamlining operations. Trusted by 99% of Am Law 100 firms, it empowers users to review detailed redlines reflecting changes made across document versions and quickly accept or reject them to create a final document quickly and accurately.

Let's dig into the value over 350,000 unique users (and counting) are tapping into and wave goodbye to manual comparison processes so you can focus on high-value legal work and Amplify Impact.

The 4 Key Benefits of Litera Compare

  1. Time Savings
    Traditional word processing software makes comparisons a cumbersome and time-intensive task. When collaborating on a document with multiple parties, keeping track of all changes becomes challenging, especially when mark-up features aren't utilized or when different formats (such as Word, PDF, etc.) are used. At the same time, manually comparing documents through printing is inefficient, as crucial modifications are easily overlooked, leading to significant and costly consequences for both your firm and clients.

    With Litera Compare, you can detect changes across any two documents in seconds on your desktop, browser, or across formats like Excel, PowerPoint, Word, PDF, and more. You can also view differences down to the image pixel level or apply Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology for comparing scanned documents. Litera Compare enables your firm to save time and money while untangling complexity and streamlining operations.


  2. High-Value Client Experiences
    With Litera Compare, legal professionals can optimize their billable hours by avoiding time-consuming document comparisons. Firms can concentrate on delivering enhanced client service and engaging in high-value legal work, rather than being bogged down by repetitive document-related tasks.

    Litera Compare integrates with the entire Office suite and all major document management systems, and its flexible installation and deployment options support any firm of any size. Litera Compare Server is a web service that performs server-side document comparison and exposes APIs to allow a range of client applications to exploit this functionality, meaning clients never have to wait until you're back in the office for an answer. Litera Compare Server can integrate within your existing programs and is available for Mac or PCs, tablets, and devices so you can focus on your craft and let automation take care of the rest.


  3. Risk Mitigation
    Picture this: You show up to negotiate with another party without a full picture of all changes to a deal document. You may have a rudimentary redline that was generated with Word's track changes or a different comparison tool, but these may not reveal all changes, making it more difficult to show up prepared at the negotiation table.

    Litera Compare empowers lawyers to work and negotiate from a place of accuracy. The redlines show the most accurate changes across two documents, giving lawyers and legal professionals peace of mind in otherwise high-pressure daily work.


  4. Profitability
    Elevate your firm's profitability with streamlined review processes, heightened accuracy, increased focus on high-value work, and improved client interactions. Investing more time in meaningful work and less in paperwork can result in minimized write-offs or write-downs from clients, ultimately enhancing your revenue stream.

    Prepare your documents with precision using Litera Compare, unlocking genuine value for your firm. In a profession where every word and nuance holds significance, Litera Compare brings accuracy and integrity to the document review process. While it adds another tool to your arsenal, it simultaneously serves as a cornerstone for future-proofing your firm through enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and client-centric excellence.

Ready to witness the power of Litera Compare firsthand? Request a demo with one of our Litera experts today to get started.

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