Monday, August 12, 2024

Can AI Chatbots Make Knowledge Truly Accessible?

Haley Altman - Strategic Advisor, Litera
Todd Corham - Chief Information Officer, Saul Ewing LLP
Lisa Erickson - VP Product AI & Cloud Transformation, Aderant
James McKenna - Chief Information Officer, Fenwick & West LLP

Time: 2:00-3:00pm

Location: Governor's Ballroom South

24/7 virtual assistants and ChatGPT have become the norm, but how we use them and how we apply them changes with every need and every application. This is not simply a use case for Chat GPT, but a KM conversation about knowledge is about internal systems and processes - core context of how your organization runs. This session will focus on implementation, distribution, the use and use cases for chatbots, and how to implement enterprise search and how to use knowledge banks.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Artificial Intelligence: Coded Bias and Its Impact on DEI

Panelists: Julia Satov - Global Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Litera

Time: 4:00-5:00pm

Location: Magnolia Ballroom

Join ILTA’s DEI Committee for a dynamic panel discussion that delves deep into the heart of technological advancements and their unintended side effects: coded bias. This critical conversation aims to uncover how biases hidden within algorithms and AI systems inadvertently perpetuate discrimination, affecting diversity and inclusion efforts across industries. Our panel of experts will explore the origins of coded bias, its significant impact on various demographics, especially marginalized communities, and discuss proactive strategies for creating more inclusive and equitable tech environments. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of ensuring technology serves as a bridge, not a barrier, to diversity and inclusion. Whether you're a tech professional, advocate for social justice, or simply keen on shaping a more just digital world, this panel will equip you with insights and actions to contribute towards a bias-free future. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Slow Your Roll: Are You Ready to Take an Organic Approach to Change Management? 


Panelists: Sherry Kappel - Evangelist, Litera

Time: 11:00-12:00pm

Location: Presidential Ballroom South

By now most of us are well versed in managing massive, highly orchestrated change. But what if there was a different way to introduce new technologies to your organization?  During this informative session, our panel shares case studies in which organizations took a different, more organic approach when deploying new technology platforms. Case studies are likely to include transitions to Foundation and Copilot. Key takeaways: - Using social proof to drive the adoption process - Understanding the technology adoption curve and avoiding the chasm - Leveraging a feedback loop to improve the experience, and - Strategies to target which groups are migrated first.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What Does a Data Scientist Do in Legal? 

Panelists: Adam Ryan - Head of Product, Litera

Time: 2:00-3:00pm

Location: Delta Ballroom D

The session examines the choice legal organizations make when considering whether to add a data scientist to their team, challenging the belief that their duties are confined to generating visual reports. We’ll discuss what data scientists do within an organization, their contribution to legal analytics, strategic planning, and the evaluation and integration of AI tools. This includes predicting case outcomes, identifying relevant legal precedents, optimizing legal strategies based on historical data, and automating routine legal tasks, such as document review, legal research, and contract analysis. The session offers a detailed view on whether to employ in-house data scientists, outsource, or use a hybrid approach to fulfill the organization's technology and analytics requirements.

Wednesday, August 14th, 2024

Modernizing Your Workflow - Harnessing the Power of Office Add-ins

Panelists: Matt Miller - Vice President of Strategic Solutions, Litera

Time: 2:00-3:00pm

Location: Delta Ballroom C

Organizations are increasingly interested in transitioning to the New Outlook client, primarily due to the enticing CoPilot features that are not available in the classic version of Outlook. Deploying the Office Add-in platform is different than traditional SCCM push technology. This technical session is tailored to equip you with the requisite knowledge and tools to ready your environment for, and implement, the Microsoft Office Add-in platform. Furthermore, we will delve into practical deployment strategies, anticipate potential obstacles, and provide solutions to surmount these challenges.

Thursday, August 15th, 2024

M365 (Family) FEUD and All That Jazz

Panelists: Rex Balboa - Solution Consulting Manager, Litera

Time: 1:30-3:00pm

Location: Governor's Ballroom South

Come join us for MS Feud - Family Feud style. We'll pose questions based on many of the M365 tools; you and your "family" (table) give your best answers, win points and great prizes!