Litera University is Our New Home for Educational Product Resources

Including: videos, key help topics, PDFs, live training registration, and more.There is a combination of free and some fee-based options. 

You will have quick access from the Home screen to the Upcoming Events calendar, the Library of resources, and information on what you have done as well as what is in progress.

1. Access menu to get back Home, access Calendar view of events, Resource Library, and Learning Record.

2. Upcoming Events: a quick view of upcoming scheduled events. 

3. Library: Access the full list of resources in the LMS, organized by product. 

4. Surveys: Surveys from amended events that have not been completed. 

5. In Progress: A list of in-progress resources. 

6. Assignments: A list of assigned resources. 

7. Search: Perform a curated search. 

FAQs about Litera University

No, Litera University does not require any payment for enrollment.

To access Litera University, click here. After clicking the link, click Create Account. From there, fill in your account details, and the your request will be submitted to our team for approval. Once your request is approved, you will receive an email notification enabling you to login to your account.

Account approval can take up to one business day after registration. We ensure all customers are informed of this timeframe during sign-up. 

Yes, live training sessions are part of the learning resources provided by Litera University.

While many of our live training sessions are available for free, certain specialized sessions may have fees associated with them. Any costs will be clearly noted in the session description.

Yes, Litera University does offer Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses.

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