
Litera Leads Strategic Marketing Technology Planning Workshop for Sheppard Mullin

Thu 25 Jul 2024
The Challenge

Sheppard Mullin, an international Am Law 50 firm, was grappling with the complexities of managing numerous competing priorities alongside outdated technologies. Their legacy marketing tools and systems were cumbersome and inefficient and they were looking to invest, over time, in updating their marketing technology stack.

Among these technological challenges, Sheppard Mullin faced the daunting task of juggling multiple initiatives at once. They had already committed to creating a new website and implementing Litera Foundation, while they were also evaluating the future of their CRM and ERM systems. This created significant difficulty in determining where to focus their efforts and allocate their limited resources, both in the immediate and long-term.

The Solution

In order to give the Sheppard Mullin team an opportunity to pause and reassess, they sought Litera’s expertise to guide them in a comprehensive workshop to analyze their marketing technology stack and recommend a path forward. This workshop, led by Litera’s Barry Solomon, VP of M&A Integrations, and Karen Campbell, Senior Product Value Engineer, was designed to foster a product-neutral and honest dialogue with Sheppard Mullin's team.

“It was important to us that the conversation remain honest and straightforward. Litera’s willingness to facilitate a neutral dialogue—drawing out our perspectives on what was effective, what needed improvement, and the challenges we faced with our tech stack—and the method by which they helped us evaluate and prioritize was what made the session so valuable,” said Sheppard Mullin’s Chief Business Development and Marketing Officer, Christie Cáceres.

The workshop's primary goal was to help Sheppard Mullin prioritize their immediate and long-term focus areas. Through a thorough examination of their three-year vision, current technologies, and ongoing initiatives, Litera provided a structured roadmap that aligned with Sheppard Mullin's needs, validating their internal discussions and offering a clear strategy for moving forward.

Litera also shared their extensive experience working with other firms and technical knowledge to help Sheppard Mullin prioritize their projects. This was instrumental in breaking down the roadmap’s extensive list of tasks into manageable steps, making their vision feel achievable.

The Results

The strategic workshop and comprehensive roadmap offered a clear direction for their technology decisions, aligning closely with their vision and ongoing projects, including Foundation and their website.

For Senior Marketing Technology Manager, Christy Tedesco, this brought a significant sense of relief. “I feel as though a significant weight has been lifted because we now have a clear direction to present to leadership. We can confidently say, 'This is our path,' and move forward, knowing that it aligns well with our foundational goals, our website project, and other initiatives. It has been incredibly reassuring to see everything come together so cohesively,” she said.

Breaking down the extensive list of tasks into manageable steps made the overall roadmap more achievable, allowing Sheppard Mullin to better allocate their resources and prioritize their projects effectively.

As for Tedesco, she highly recommends other firms take advantage of this kind of workshop. "I would highly recommend this workshop to other firms. It’s a fantastic investment of your time and effectively helps your team focus, with a clear roadmap to follow. The value derived from this workshop is well worth the time.”


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