Key features

CRM and content platform integrations

Automation triggers & data compliance workflows

Configurable embeddable forms

Plan Strategically

Dynamic content & personalization

Web tracking

Automated web content distribution

Concep makes it easy to

Grow your reach

Our configurable forms can be easily embedded across your website, reducing sign up friction and growing your data pool.

Once captured, data will be synced into your CRM from Concep and any content platforms you may use, such as Passle and WordPress, enabling you to automatically distribute relevant and timely content.

You can then track engagement from your emails and web visits directly in your CRM, and use it to fuel future comms.

Our robust integrations help you to avoid duplicating effort across platforms. With data syncing both ways, you can be confident in your CRM as your single source of truth.



Deliver the right content to the right person at the right time

When a new contact subscribes you can automatically drop them into a drip campaign, instantly providing them with valued content.

Our platform then enables you to create engaging emails and simple automations to gather more personal details from them over time, building out their profile.

By using dynamic content, Concep can automatically distribute emails that change based on the contact’s data, preferences and behaviors.

And you can even automate the distribution of new content published on your site. Our platform will add it into a custom email template and send it to relevant contacts on a schedule that suits you.

Ensure data compliance and maximize deliverability

By automating your data compliance tasks, we help you to minimize human error and save time.

Whether we’re syncing unsubscribe status across platforms, or placing new contacts into workflows to gain their consent, our automations will keep your contact lists clean.

And by combining the automatic (and optional) filtering out of unengaged contacts with our enterprise-grade infrastructure, we make it easy for you to continually hit your contacts’ inboxes, maximizing your email delivery rate.

Create a single source of truth

Automatically syncing data between your CRM and marketing platform enables you to access all your contacts – and their engagement with your people, website, and emails - in a single platform.

This 360 degree view of your contacts enables you to segment on any data point and hyper-personalize your content.

It also empowers your business development team with a comprehensive profile of each client, enabling them to strengthen relationships, while giving you the data to better recognize the value of your marketing activity.

Want to see it in action?


Additional Resources


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