
5 Signs Your Law Firm is Ready for a Legal Business Intelligence Solution

Is your law firm spending more time collecting your firm’s financial data than actually making decisions from it? If you’re like most...

The Ultimate Governance Platform

Enable end users to save documents in the right place and risk teams to easily understand business context to set the right privacy and...

Unlock the Power of Seamless Collaboration Between Microsoft Teams and DMS

This comprehensive guide takes you through the transformative power of integrating Microsoft Teams and Document Management Systems (DMS)...

Technology in M&A Report: AI, Tech Adoption, and Talent Management in the US and Canada

The results of a global survey from Litera investigating how technology is being used in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) practices.

Let Us Guide You through the iManage transition from COM API solutions with CAM

iManage announced that their support for the COM API solutions will end. Is your organization planning to stay on-prem or move to the cloud?

The Challenges of Disparate Drafting Solutions: How Consolidating the Legal Drafting Workflow Benefits Lawyers and IT

How many different tools, applications, or software platforms do your lawyers have to use to take a document from blank page to finished...

The 6Rs: Six Legal Document Risks That Drafting Technology Mitigates

Access the eBook to understand the various risks associated with document drafting and how modern technology and automation can mitigate...

A Single Source of Truth for Your Firm


Real Estate Technology and Proptech Report

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Litera Technology in M&A Report


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Microsoft Teams Governance: Choosing the Right Solution

With hybrid work as the new normal many organizations across industries are facing challenges in efficiently and securely managing their...

The Unexpected Benefits of AI in Transactional Law

AI is crucial to the future of law, and there is a powerful practicality that comes with embracing this technology in legal work. Exciting...

Insight report: Responding to the Great Resignation

Law firms have been fielding more resignation letters than usual and they are not alone. Dubbed ‘The Great Resignation’, businesses are...

How Litera’s Technology Integrations Solve the Challenges of Drafting Legal Documents

When users have to access multiple tools or technologies to finish a single project — like drafting and finalizing a document — their...

Trends in Global M&A Activity

2021 was a hallmark year for global mergers and acquisitions. However, following five straight quarters of at least 3,000 deals, Q1 2022 saw...

Increasing Document Productivity and Efficiency with Litera DocXtools

Legal professionals have near-impossible standards for their documents. When the client’s business and the firm’s reputation hang in the...

5 Reasons to Extend Your Document Drafting Solution to the Cloud

Draft, review, compare, edit, and clean legal documents across locations and devices.