
Infographic: Traditional Versus Total Due Diligence and How AI-Powered Software Can Help

In any M&A transaction, it’s important to balance process efficiency and risk identification and mitigation, while recognizing that the...

Microsoft Teams Governance: Choosing the Right Solution

With hybrid work as the new normal many organizations across industries are facing challenges in efficiently and securely managing their...

CAM-Data Protection for Business Continuity and Archiving

The CAM Data Protection feature set supports on-premises (iManage server 10.3+) and cloud systems (NetDocuments and iManage Cloud), allowing...

Litera 2023 M&A Report: A Different Mood Entering 2023

Global events in 2022 played out differently than expected at the beginning of the year. War, inflation, surging interest rates, and the...
Case Study

McNees Wallace & Nurick – A Remote/Hybrid Case Study

McNees, Wallace & Nurick is a 150+ Timekeeper Aderant law firm located in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. They kicked off the beginning of 2020...

An Insider Look into the Importance of Design in Digital Products

In this week’s podcast, LEGALTECH MATTERS host and Editor-in-Chief for Legal IT Insider Caroline Hill talks with Nicole Bradick, the Founder...

Solving Collaboration Challenges, One Matter at a Time

In a digital age, efficient collaboration isn’t just about being connected; it’s about being secure, organized, and ahead of the curve.

Mitigating Risk and Data Chaos with CAM’s Provisioning Capabilities

Remote and hybrid modes of working have done wonders for the collaboration world. Many organizations had to find the most creative means to...

Cloud Migrator

Elevate Client Experience with Seamless and Efficient Migration to the Cloud. Cloud Migrator is a migration tool designed to move on...

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CAM’s Litigation Hold

Stay Ahead of your Compliance Obligations with CAM’s Litigation Hold. A legal hold (also known as a litigation hold) is a notification sent...
Company News

How we’ve boosted efficiencies and slashed admin time with leading AI: Kira

Just as particular sectors and occupations benefit from technology more than others, so do different types of legal projects. We identified...
Company News

How BigLaw Is Using Writing Tools To Maximize Attys’ Time

As BigLaw firm salaries and rates increase, firms are adopting an array of legal writing tools to automate parts of drafting, editing and...

BigSquare Solutions Overview

Proven Solutions-Proven Results. BigSquare delivers true self-service business intelligence (BI) to law firms, surfacing key firm metrics by...

Maintain Data Security with CAM’s Access Management Capabilities

The world is experiencing a rise in cyberattacks as cybercriminals and hackers’ prey on potential weak points across organizations’ security...
On-Demand Webinar

iManage Transition from COM API Solutions and the Impact on Milan

iManage has announced their transition away from COM API solutions, which includes our product - Milan.
On-Demand Webinar

How Integrating Technologies Enables Seamless Workflows

In-house legal teams shouldn’t have to fight with technology. The integration between NetDocuments management system and Litera’s document...
On-Demand Webinar

M&A Due Diligence: Global Trends

With M&A due diligence affecting significant deal terms like valuation and risk allocation, having an accurate picture of a target company's...
On-Demand Webinar

Maintain Data Security with a Trusted Governance Platform

It’s all about securing your data! With hybrid work as the new normal, data security challenges for organizations are on the rise.   Hits by...