How to Develop a Communications and Stakeholder Strategy for Effective Legal Project Management Scaling
You can have the best Legal Project Management strategy and team in the world, but without adoption they will have little impact on your firm's profitability or operations. This week, we offer advice on mapping stakeholders and communicating for better adoption. As ever, this series is designed to be a practical guide so we will be sharing tips and tools gathered during...
Firm Performance
Understanding The ROI of Law Firm Process Improvement
A survey performed by LexisNexis as recently as 2018 found that 74% of mid-sized firms in the UK do not measure the ROI for investments in technology. This is in spite of the fact that 87% believe that technology contributes to profit growth to 'some extent'. Plainly, these two statistics are at the heart of a conundrum facing the legal world. On one hand, we see an...
Firm Performance
Changing Law Firms: 5 Principles For Successful Change Management
Humans, generally speaking, do not enjoy change. Our desire to avoid it is well documented . Most of us will walk the same route to work each day. We will order our favorite food from a takeaway restaurant, rather than try something new. We find the familiar comforting. However, most of us are also aware that change is necessary. Essential even. In law firms change has...
Firm Performance
A Quick Guide to Data Fallacies (and How to Avoid Them)
As we have noted in recent blogs , data collection and analysis is essential to the long term success of your business. Whether it be profitability analysis or looking for ways to improve processes, data guides the process. However, data analysis is not something to jump into blindly. While working on drawing meaningful conclusions from your data, you are likely to...
Firm Performance
Legal Project Management at Scale: A Practical Blog Series to Guide Law Firms Towards Predictable Matters
It has been over a decade since the term 'Legal Project Management' began to crop up in job adverts, at legal conferences, and on Request for Proposals. Since then, legal project management has grown in answer to the myriad of challenges facing modern legal teams. A combination of increasing transparency towards clients (and all the reporting that goes with it), in...
Artificial Intelligence
Law firm pricing and analytics
A practical guide to increase the impact of your pricing strategy. Many law firms already understand the importance of data. After all, you would have to have lived under a rock for the past few years to have missed the huge strides data collection and analysis have made in other industries. From the way we are advertised to the complexities of our online finance systems...
contentCrawler Business Use Case
Research indicates that as much as 30% of documents in a content repository are “invisible” to search. The culprits usually turn out to be image-based documents - JPGs, TIFs, PNGs and image PDFs. While many of these documents get OCR’ed, some do not, and since they are image files with no text, they do not get indexed. Instead they become invisible to search technology.
Use Cases: Discover what Clocktimizer can do for your firm
Embrace the power of data-driven decision making. All law firms sit on a treasure trove of incredibly valuable yet underutilized data. Locked away in your timecard narratives is an infinite source of knowledge and insights. It’s time to tap that source, time to experience truly data-driven decision making!
What Is Time-Saving Technology Saving You Time For?
At Litera Microsystems, we talk a lot about using technology to save time. Just recently, we've blogged about how much time modern word processing saves lawyers in drafting documents , how technology saves time in scientific writing , and how technology can help all of us achieve a better work-life balance . But are we really saving time with technology? And, if so, what...
Imagination Leads to Innovation
X Prize CEO and private space explorer Anousheh Ansari believes we can build a better life through technology ' if we aren't afraid to fail. When you were a child, did you look up at the sky at night and wonder what was up there and how you could get there? Anousheh Ansari did. From a young age, Ansari would let her imagination run wild. She even drew a picture of the...
How Technology Can Help You Save Time and Improve Accuracy in Scientific and Regulatory Writing
Writing about pharmaceutical and scientific research, whether for publication or for approval by the FDA, is difficult enough already: you have to communicate complex ideas in straightforward, clear, unmistakable language while persuading your readers that your findings are valid and worthy of support. Fortunately, technology is at the ready to help you produce better...
Clean and Compare
Raise your hand if you've ever compared a document with a ruler and a red pen. Now, raise your hand if you've ever executed a document created on a typewriter. And finally: raise your hand if you remember using CompareRite? I'm certain a few of us who began working in this community can swap stories about the attorney who scribbled notes on the back of a typed page then...
The Importance of Up-to-Date Software
As legal technology breaks new ground, it's more critical than ever that legal professionals get, and keep, their software up to date. Outdated software presents three primary problems: security vulnerabilities, program instability, and poor compatibility with other applications. However the benefits of updating go beyond overcoming these problems, offering access to new...
Improving the Signature Management Workflow
Managing signatures constitutes the largest amount of administrative time for lawyers and their teams when closing a deal. Traditional workflows for creating signature pages and packets and tracking signature pages is long and tedious, and clients expect their law firms to innovate just as their other vendors do. How big of a difference does the right technology make? We...
Litera Desktop Has Arrived
For decades we have worked to support the lawyer's workflow. And for the past year, we have focused in on improving that workflow across the document lifecycle, increasing efficiency of the process and improving the overall quality of work product.The result of this effort is Litera Draft , formerly Litera Desktop. Litera Desktop is a single, integrated ribbon within...
Legal Professionals
Legal Work
Mind Your Metadata
When did you last consciously think about what you might be revealing in your metadata? If the answer isn't 'the last time I shared a file,' you might be running a considerable risk with your clients' information, your employees' personal data, or even your ethical compliance. What Is Metadata? Metadata is, essentially, data about data. It includes those file descriptors...
Firm Governance
The Devil Is in the Details: How Legal Writing Benefits From a Comprehensive Document Drafting Lifecycle
Legal document drafting is harder than it looks. Law firms need to produce clear, correct, and consistent documents quickly, easily, and without wasting time or creating unnecessary headaches. Errors can be costly: they can diminish client trust, reduce credibility with opponents and the courts, and tarnish the firm's reputation in the broader community. But avoiding every...
Introducing Clause Companion
Our position right now Since the start of the year when we announced our new company identity, we've been working on a strong push to re-introduce ourselves to customers, research how the market has been changing, and understand how we can better respond to its needs as a consolidated vendor.Part of the advantage of our new company identity is the new software products we...
Legal Professionals
Legal Work