Master Terms
If you are licensing Litera software or any Litera product, the Master Terms shall be applicable to you.

Collaborator Terms
If you have been invited by a Litera Customer to access the cloud Software OR if you have access to or have accessed Workshare Connect as an End User who does not have a subscription contract with Litera, the Terms of Use for Collaborators available here shall be applicable to you.

Additional Licensing Terms by Product
If you are licensing the below products, additional licensing terms by-products along with licensing terms by deployment shall be applicable to you.

If the Customer is licensing Concep Software Product and is located in North America, then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If the Customer is licensing Concep Software Product and is located in UK, Europe and other countries, then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If the Customer enters into an agreement to license Kira On Premises Software product on or after May 14, 2024, then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If the Customer enters into an agreement to license Kira On Premises Software product between August 15, 2022 and May 13, 2024, then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If the Customer enters into an agreement to license Kira On Premises Software product prior to August 15, 2022, then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If the Customer enters into an agreement to license Kira Cloud Software product on or after May 14, 2024, then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If the Customer enters into an agreement to license Kira Cloud Software product between August 15, 2022 and May 13, 2024, then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If the Customer enters into an agreement to license Kira Cloud Software product prior to August 15, 2022, then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If Customer is licensing CE Manager Software product then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If Customer is licensing Top Performance Software product then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If Customer is licensing LawCruit Software product then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If Customer is licensing CAM, PowerDesktop, Cloud Migrator, Milan, Desktop Import/Export & Zone Software products then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If Customer is licensing Upper Sigma Software product then the terms available here shall be applicable. 

If Customer is licensing PS/Ship, PS/Invoice, PS/Receiver and PS/Invoice Plus Software product then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If Customer is licensing PS/Track Software product then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If Customer is licensing FileTrail Software product then the terms available here shall be applicable.

If Customer is licensing Office & Dragons Software product then the terms available here shall be applicable.

Unless stated otherwise in the applicable Order Form, Resellers will be subject to terms and conditions available here.

If Customer is licensing a Software Product with Generative AI Features then the terms available here shall be applicable.